Traveling Survey Analysis

My reserch topic: Traveling

Taget: Japanse university students

Number of respondents: (12)

(Summary) Students answered 9 questions about traveling


Graph#1 showa thata most students like traveling. In fact, 83.3% people like traveling. And, 16.7% students respond 'so-so'. No one respond 'No'. These results are not surprising. Traveling is popular among the Japnese students.


Graph#2 shows that where students want to travel. No.1 country is United Kingdom. Second contries are France and Korea and America.The number of students who want somewhere in Japan is low.


Graph#3 shows that what purpose students travel. Most of students travel in order to have fun and look someplace. Surprisingly, some students travel to study such as studyung abroad.


 Graph#4 shows that how manytimes on average do you travel in year. More than half of them travel two times in a year. A lot of students travel more than two times in a year.


 Graph#5 shows that when and who is it best to travel. In summer, almost all of students travel with friends. And in spring a lot of students travel with family. Surprisingly, a few students travel with boy/girl friends.


Graph#6 shows that when is the last time do you travel. A lot of students traveled within one year. And one of them traveled four years ago.


Graph#7 shows that how much do you spend in a trip.Three times is the most. Surprisingly, half of them travel more than five times in a trip. A lot of students spend long time.


Graph#8 shows that if you travel with boyfriends or girlfriend, what paln do you travel. There are a lot of intersting and orginal ideas. Espesially, 'There is little place to write'. This opinion is very unique.


Graph#9 shows that is it positive or negative to travel a lot in college student. All of students say positive. They have several ideas.



This survey provides insight into students' varied views on travel. These result are very intersting and surprising.


  1. My idea is considered as unique one. I want more space to write about it. Ha-Ha-Ha!!!

